You frequently read about the benefits of process automation. Articles mention hard benefits such as saving time on manual tasks, faster throughput, greater efficiencies, and also soft benefits like complying with regulations, enforcing procedures.
But to convince your management to make such an investment, you need to show ROI with concrete numbers – numbers that will specifically refer to your own operations and that can demonstrate the bottom-line value delivered by the investment. In the current climate Business Owners still struggle with the justification for Investment in Automation against the potential savings that is demonstrated to them.
Even when the investment is approved it is still a daunting task reviewing the options whether to lease or buy and indeed the costly monthly payment and the impending impact on cashflow.
This is where Weber Packaging Solutions have came up with a product that is the ultimate answer to both problems, a system that provides cost savings in Labelling Automation with an incredibly low price point.
The compact and low-cost Weber LA2050 label print and apply system is designed for automated print and apply processes on a production line. It can also be used in semi-automatic mode where automatic label application is not required with the system being used as a label print and dispense system, with label application initiated manually by the operator. Thereby giving you the benefits or a desktop printer or indeed a fully automatic Labelling System.
The Weber LA2050 is a compact reliable work horse. The robust applicator with Festo pneumatics and recirculating ball bearing system provides a durable composite design and guarantees labelling accuracy. A 218mm diameter label roll allows the Weber LA2050 to extent the constant operation time of other Labelling Systems systems with reduced label roll changes saving up to 20% in operator intervention.
Whilst the system has a multitude of features the primary focus feature is the price-point being under half the price of an existing Print-Apply Labelling System making the decision to move to automatic labelling a quick an easy choice for Businesses.
It is an ideal solution for SME’s to move to Labelling Automation or indeed as a low cost replacement for an existing Automatic Labelling Solution
Contact Us today for more information about this product