Deleteable ink for 3D printing

What happens in 3D printing is that in the future there will be not only “4D printing” , which can change 3D-printed objects with time. Soon, it will also be possible to use erasable ink for 3D printing. Deleteable ink in 3D printing The talk is of the 3D printing process by “direct laser writing”. […]

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Patent of Amazon: Labels with parachute

The delivery of parcels with drones was only science fiction a few years ago. But it seems to become more and more concrete. Gradually all possible problems are solved, but some still exist here and there. Example: The sending of the packet directly at the receiver. The risk of collision with other objects or even persons is too […]

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Food printer: 2D printing at Cookies & Co.

Cookies and donuts, embellished with FoodJet systems With these biscuits, which we discovered at the Interpack 2017, the crumbly monster, which is now on a diet, is weak. The biscuits were embellished with a food printer from the Dutch company FoodJet Printing Systems ( You really want to take a bite out of them. The company sells pressure […]

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Set-up optimization: How long do your batch changes take?

The right set-up seminars are offered about set-up time optimization. Here, specialists and executives from production, production planning, production control and logistics methods are to become acquainted with employee qualification and strategies for set-up time minimization. De facto, however, the set-up time always depends on the design of the machine. Because when the machine must be manually […]

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How to label frozen food reliably? It also labels at minus 24 degrees Celsius without enclosure

A production environment in which temperatures are constantly below 24 degrees Celsius is a challenge for all technical devices. At the Apetito in Rheine, we label the frozen products with several AlphaCompact dispensers without heat sinking. They put three differently colored labels on cardboard boxes and thus form an important part of intralogistics. The cartons […]

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Barcode: Fence or ladder?

When designing variable-printed barcode labels, there are many points to consider, which result from the application: Which texts, graphics, barcodes must be included? Which font sizes should be selected? Which parts should be pre-printed, which should be supplemented with the printer variably? Printing conditions are also important. How wide is the label to allow the […]

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