A label printer alone does not print a label. The printer must know which content should be printed on the label at which point . For this, the Weber Group offers to their label printing dispensers and label printers , the label design software to Legitronic Labeling Software (short LLS). This allows the operator to easily create a label layout for barcode labels .
Just how easy this is, a video shows the topic “Create first label” created under the “Bluhm-TV Tutorials” series.
The video shows clearly the first steps with the software. You can see how to create a simple label with text field, logo and an EAN 13 barcode.
Whoever is working with a Bluhm label printer is so easy to get started. But also for those who just want to refresh their knowledge, the video is helpful.
Video guidance: Create barcode labels
By the way: In the Playlist “Bluhm TV” on Youtube there are already over 60 tutorials. Continue.
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