Booklet Labels

Give your customer the all the information they need with extended text labeling. Weber can help you decide on the right type of label and materials that will look great and yet be durable enough to take repeated use and re-closing of the labels. Extended Text Label Tips Materials: Booklet labels are tricky and require […]

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Forestry & Mill Labels

Weber prints lumber labels and tags using our Polytag material that is weather-proof and built to last. We can print your labels and even help you attach them to your finished products with products like the FasTagger II Lumber Tagging Stapler Forestry Label Tips  Materials: Polytag label material, our high-strength film tag designed for outdoor […]

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Nursery Labels

Nursery Label Tips Materials: Tags and labels suitable for outdoor use as plant stakes, lumber tags and nursery tags must be made of durable materials like our polytag facestock. When printing variable information on a tag or label, such as bar codes, plant care instructions, and pricing, be sure to use a weather-resistant ribbon for […]

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