Solicom ClockInOut

Description Solicom ClockInOut is an easy to use application to clock in or out persons that arrive or leave at a location. Identification is done by barcode e.g. on a badge and persons are validated from a list that is downloaded into the application at start. A report is produced on every arrival or departure […]

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EasyGo! InventoryHealthCare

Description EasyGo! InventoryHealthCare application allows inventory management of any type of stock, with or without barcodes labels in your Healthcare environment. Capture the barcode of each the stock item, or in case there is no barcode available simply key in the product id.  Add the quantity to each item and most importantly register the batch […]

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EasyGo! Asset Tracking Pro

Description EasyGo!AssetTracking allows you to keep an up-to-date list of the fixed assets owned and/or managed by a company or group. Even if the assets are located outside the companies premises.   Easy to locate, easy to find related info, and easy to keep track of all maintenance or actions associated with each asset. It’s […]

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EasyGo! POS

Description EasyGo! POS is an application designed to make the live of your customer easier. With this application, your customer will be able to: –          Scan the items bought so they are automatically added to the shopping list while they are collected in your shop. –          Review both the items picked and the total price. […]

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EasyGo! POS Pro

Description EasyGo! POS Pro is an application designed to make the live of your customer easier. With this application, your customer will be able to: – Scan the items bought so they are automatically added to the shopping list while they are collected in your shop. – Review both the items picked and the total […]

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