Bottle-Matic Label Applicators

Bottle-Matic bottle labelers enable you to label all kinds of products by simply inserting the container and depressing a foot-switch. Labels are applied at over 4.5” per second – most water bottles are labeled in less than two seconds. The operator then removes the bottle and inserts another to start the procedure again. These automated labeling systems make it easy to label wine bottles, craft beer bottles, water bottles and most other round products.

The Bottle-Matic has been developed to apply 1 or 2 labels (front & back) to a wide range of cylindrical containers including Bottles, Jars, Cans, Tubs and Tubes and is easily adapted to work with tapered, ridged & odd shaped containers.

Easy to set up and operate, making them an economical solution to relatively short runs and bespoke labelling.

The Bottle-Matic I is designed to apply 1 label to containers from a small patch to fully wrap around.

The Bottle-Matic II is an advanced model with the provision to apply 1 or 2 labels from the same roll, with a built in incremental dial to accurately space front and back labels on the same container.

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Available Documents

Bottle-Matic EN Specification

    Alpha Quadro Label Applicator

    quadro-015 label applicator

    The right label at the right time

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    Zebra LS4208 – Handheld Scanner

    LS4208 Handheld Scanner

    LS4208 handheld laser bar code scanner, you’re able to effortlessly speed throughput, even with bar codes in poor condition. Wherever you need to quickly capture and process data — such as at the retail checkout counter, in pharmacies and hospitals, and in light warehouse environments — this ergonomically designed scanner helps you increase accuracy, improve productivity, cut maintenance
    costs and reduce the risk of downtime.

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    Weber 114 One-Sided/Two-Sided Labelling System

    The brand-new Weber 114 system provides a simple, cost-effective solution to low volume labelling for applying labels to one or two sides of a straight-walled product or package. The Model 114 can be added to in-place production lines or operated manually as a stand-alone applicator.

    The Weber 114 is easy to use and can be set-up quickly. During application, labels are peeled away from the liner and securely attached to products using the wipe-on label applicators.

    The unit boasts robust steel construction making it perfect for lower-volume, intermittent labelling projects or multiple-shift larger-scale operations. This is a very reliable wipe-on application system that is built to last.

        • Applies label up to 6″ high x 12″ long
        • Handles up to 45 products/minute
        • Placement accuracy of 0.03″


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    Low-cost offline coding system; ideal for companies looking to automate their date marking process for the first time.

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