Geset 141 Semi Automatic Label Dispenser
The Geset 141 semi-automatic all-round labelling system is used for labelling small tins, bottles, jars etc. This solution was developed especially for companies requiring flexible labelling of small batches. Classical applications include the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry and the food and beverage sector.
- All-round labelling of unstable when standing, lying and cylindrical products
- Desktop design
- Short batch change setting-up times
- Segmented pressure rollers enable processing of products with protruding edges
- Simple, clear operation via multi-language user display
- Simple optional integration of printing systems
- Multiple dispensing per product with variable spacing between two labels possible
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Available Documents
Geset 141 Technical InformationGeset 141 Instructions Manual
Geset 141 Spare Parts Manual
- Printing Labels and bracelets
- Print Resolution 203/305 dpi
- Antimicrobial housing
- Small, compact
- Easy maintenance
SATO | NX Series

The NX Series is a game-changing innovation that is made easy. It is designed to be so easy to use and maintain that anyone can feel the difference from the day they start using it. The new NX Series comes loaded as standard with many different features to make operation and maintenance easy.
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Performance leaders in mission-critical RFID printing applications, these reliable print engines with RFID technology empower you with an integrated solution for identifying packages, cases and pallets. The ZE500R embeds a fully integrated ThingMagic RFID Reader/Encoder and supports the ability to print and encode short pitch item level tags, chip based serialization and block permalocking of user memory.

Prevent medical errors, improve patient safety and increase caregiver productivity. The DS6878-HC cordless imager from Zebra enables hospitals to automate data capture, improve data accuracy, increase productivity and streamline everyday processes in patient rooms, admitting, laboratories and the pharmacy. Its matchless feature set meets the unique requirements of healthcare facilities. An intuitive and ergonomic design combines with dependable and rapid capture of barcodes and other images, allowing caregivers to remain focused on the patient — not the technology. The DS6878-HC is compatible with popular Bedside Meds Administration software including Cerner, Epic, Siemens, Eclipsys and Meditech.
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