Monarch 9864 Series Tabletop Bar Code Printers

The Monarch 9864TM Tabletop Bar Code Industrial Printer helps you move your merchandise quickly and accurately through the supply chain, by providing high quality, scannable bar codes for your internal tracking, compliance or international shipments.

Make sure you get the scanning results you want every time!

Prints a wide variety of bar codes, including postcode, coda block, ITF and GSI databar as well as all basic bar code symbology.

The Monarch 9864 printer utilizes “Near Edge” printhead technology, giving it unsurpassed print quality for graphics, small fonts and more! This versatile printer includes native support of standard graphic formats and a built-in ribbon saver.

• Wide label capabilities (up to 10″)
• Rugged, quiet operation
• Built-in ribbon saver
• 300 DPI printhead standard
• Fastest print speeds in its class (up to 16 ips)

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Monarch 9864 Series

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