SATO CT4 Series

At the core of the CT4i printers is a new generation ultra high speed processor.

CT408i | CT412i | CT424i

With high data transfer rates and processing speed the CT4i printers will print continuously, without pausing between labels, even with changes in data and graphics on every label. An important added feature of the CT4i Series printers is the Windows® driver which allows the creation of labels using virtually any Windows® based program

Print Method: Direct or Thermal Transfer
Print Resolution: 203 or 305 or 609 dpi
Print Width: 4.1″
Media Width: 1.1″ to 4.65″
Memory: 16MB SRAM/4MB Flash
Print Speed: (max.) 6 ips (CT408i)
4 ips (CT412i)
3 ips (CT424i)


  • Cutter
  • Dispenser
  • RFID


  • Specimen Labeling
  • Show Badges
  • Price Markdown
  • Wristband Printing
  • Product Labeling
  • Routing Labels
  • Layaway Marking


From tracking aircraft components to managing SPEC2000-compliant documents, SATO’s thermal barcode solutions help save time and money.
SATO provides schools and libraries with barcode printing and RFID solutions including tracking books, CDs and videos, and inventory maintenance systems.
Education & Libraries
SATO is a leading provider of affordable thermal barcode application solutions and Point of Care Verification Systems for the healthcare marketplace.
From curbside check-in, faster hotel registration, to boarding passes, SATO’s thermal barcode printing solutions help satisfy customer needs for travel and hospitality efficiently.
Travel & Leisure
SATO Printers create ID cards to control access, print receipts and records in the field and use RFID smart labels to track moveable assets and inventory.
SATO Wholesale Tracking and Shipping Solutions help to manage products and information so your operation and inventory remains lean and competitive.

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CT4 Data Sheet EN

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    The Markoprint iJET high-speed control system is small, compact and with many possibilities for interlinking. Special features: Unlike other coders, the entire control technology has now been incorporated in the print module for the first time. In this way, iJET creates novel highlights in terms of integration and flexibility.

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    microFlash 4t/4te

    With uncompromising standards, the 4t/4te is engineered throughout to withstand even the most punishing portable applications, including multiple 6 ft drops to concrete. The 4t/4te prints outstanding quality 4-inch receipts, proof of deliveries, labels, and invoices. The 4t comes with Serial and IrDA communication. The 4te is every bit as rugged as the 4t but it offers enhanced processing speeds (10 times faster), greater memory capacity, USB connectivity power status lights, external charging, and optional Bluetooth and 802.11b/g wireless connectivity.


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    Gryphon 4100 – HC

    Gryphon 4100 HC

    The Gryphon family are successfully associated with their premium line of Datalogic ADC’s general purpose handheld data collection products. The Gryphon is ideally partnered with the Healthcare industry but has the flexibility to work across other industries. The Gryphon is extremely versatile and durable.  The Gryphon is the ultimate solution for applications where mobility is […]

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