TC8000 Touch Computer

A revolutionary design delivers revolutionary productivity gains…one more hour, per worker, per shift.

Businesses looking for the next innovation in warehouse mobility to boost warehouse productivity, have just found it: the rugged TC8000. What makes the TC8000 so special? Everything

barcode verifier

Superior ergonomics for superior productivity and worker comfort
The new scan angle eliminates the constant tilting that traditional designs required to view the screen, increasing productivity by 14%* by reducing wrist motion by 55% and muscle effort by 15%.

* Results are dependent upon use case and scan frequency.

Enterprise-class Android KitKat
Mobility Extensions (Mx) transforms Android™ to an enterprise-class OS, providing enterprise-class security, device management and data capture capabilities.

Rugged and ready for the warehouse
The super-rugged design is built for the challenging warehouse environment. With Zebra’s most extreme impact ratings, the TC8000 operates reliably, even after 2,000 consecutive hits when tumbling and multiple 8 ft./2.4 m drops to concrete. The TC8000 is sealed, ready to handle jetting water and dust. The TC8000 is built to handle constant temperature swings between extreme heat and cold—ideal in outside yards.

An industry first: hands-free proximity scanning with a handheld device
The device can be automatically triggered by the proximity sensor, whether the TC8000 is worn in the hip holster, on the shoulder strap, in the cart mount or desktop mount. Two modes are available: near, for close-up scanning from near contact to 6 in./15 cm; and far, from contact to 1.96 ft./60 cm.

Advanced bar code scanning options
Zebra’s SE4750 imager with proprietary PRZM Intelligent Imaging technology offers unparalleled performance on just about any type of data imaginable—from 1D and 2D bar codes to fully searchable and editable documents. The SE965 engine provides best-in-class 1D scanning performance with patented Adaptive Scanning technology that delivers the widest working range in its class. All options capture bar codes in practically any condition.

Transform “green screens” to elegant all-touch screens with no host modification or coding
All-touch Terminal Emulation gives the front end of Terminal Emulation apps a smart and intuitive touch interface, automatically—and legacy TE green screens are always available to workers at the press of button.


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TC8000 Touch Computer

A revolutionary design delivers revolutionary productivity gains…one more hour, per worker, per shift.

Businesses looking for the next innovation in warehouse mobility to boost warehouse productivity, have just found it: the rugged TC8000. What makes the TC8000 so special? Everything

Superior ergonomics for superior productivity and worker comfort
The new scan angle eliminates the constant tilting that traditional designs required to view the screen, increasing productivity by 14%* by reducing wrist motion by 55% and muscle effort by 15%.

* Results are dependent upon use case and scan frequency.

Enterprise-class Android KitKat
Mobility Extensions (Mx) transforms Android™ to an enterprise-class OS, providing enterprise-class security, device management and data capture capabilities.

Rugged and ready for the warehouse
The super-rugged design is built for the challenging warehouse environment. With Zebra’s most extreme impact ratings, the TC8000 operates reliably, even after 2,000 consecutive hits when tumbling and multiple 8 ft./2.4 m drops to concrete. The TC8000 is sealed, ready to handle jetting water and dust. The TC8000 is built to handle constant temperature swings between extreme heat and cold—ideal in outside yards.

An industry first: hands-free proximity scanning with a handheld device
The device can be automatically triggered by the proximity sensor, whether the TC8000 is worn in the hip holster, on the shoulder strap, in the cart mount or desktop mount. Two modes are available: near, for close-up scanning from near contact to 6 in./15 cm; and far, from contact to 1.96 ft./60 cm.

Advanced bar code scanning options
Zebra’s SE4750 imager with proprietary PRZM Intelligent Imaging technology offers unparalleled performance on just about any type of data imaginable—from 1D and 2D bar codes to fully searchable and editable documents. The SE965 engine provides best-in-class 1D scanning performance with patented Adaptive Scanning technology that delivers the widest working range in its class. All options capture bar codes in practically any condition.

Transform “green screens” to elegant all-touch screens with no host modification or coding
All-touch Terminal Emulation gives the front end of Terminal Emulation apps a smart and intuitive touch interface, automatically—and legacy TE green screens are always available to workers at the press of button.


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