We now know the QR code: we scan it and are forwarded, for example, to a video on YouTube or to a corporate home page. For people who can not read printed information either because they are visually impaired or not, there is now the so-called Speech Code: It simply reads the information to you.
The Vienna Start-up Speech Code has developed colorful QR codes, in which text is packaged in such a way that smartphones can easily read the information. The codes can be generated just as easily as the familiar QR codes. There is no link, but a text. The corresponding software then encrypts the text in a code, which can be printed on every possible product and read out via an app.
The Viennese earn money through royalties, companies pay the technology on their packaging. For the end customer, the technology is free, he only needs a corresponding scanner app for the smartphone. The recognition of the QR codes is completely offline, so the system also works abroad, without causing roaming costs.
Particularly practical: SpeechCode is language-independent. The code can therefore be the same world-wide. In order for the user to get the information in the right language, the information in the code is matched with the system language and then read in the respective system language. Thus, the colorful codes from Vienna could even be established as a practical information technology – for example in tourism or in trade.
Image source and further information at speechcode.eu .