Counterfeit product protection can now be achieved by introducing anti-counterfeiting Ink pigment particles into the printing ink for the label or packaging. An example of this is the development of the company Simons Druck / 3S.
The paint is mixed with the micro color codes SECUTAG®. Or a so-called “dot dispenser” is used in the printing press. The innovative system is based on microscopically small, invisible to the eye polymer particles with a size of 5 to 45 μm depending on the customer’s requirements and application. The patented process combines four to eleven different layers of paint. They provide a clear and counterfeit-proof code. The application can be easily integrated in screen printing. Whilst Weber have many years experience in flexographic printing. Screen printing, however, has the advantage for the pharmaceutical industry that even “sublime” – meaning tangible – prints can be produced.
This system has proven its reliability for more than ten years. The color codes have been widely recognized legally as crucial evidence when it comes to unequivocally identifying the original or counterfeit of a product and rejecting product liability claims.